P.O.Box 1233 Bend, OR 97709 info@provisionministries.com 541-815-1777

Dave Rogers

Dave has lived in Bend, Oregon since 1991 serving in full time ministry and touching lives in the Northwest.  In August 2006 Dave stepped down from serving as the senior pastor of a small church to take up his God given dream of reaching people in third world nations.  Thanks to many who have invested in Dave to help his dream come to life, now thousands are being helped around the world.  In May 2007, Dave founded Provision Ministries International as a religious, non-profit corporation to provide a non-denominational platform that would work “outside the box” and seek creative ways of investing into lives.  As a licensed and ordained minister, Dave travels throughout the world seeking opportunities to encourage and touch lives for the Kingdom of God.  This includes Biblical Leadership Seminars for Christian leaders.

There is often a high price to pay when someone steps out to do a new work for God and Dave and his 3 children are no exception. In spite of some very painful times, they have been faithful to God’s call and continue to serve Him wholeheartedly.

Dave has also started a humanitarian organization called Kingdom Investments International (KII).  This organization has worked in several countries including relief efforts in Pakistan, microbusiness ventures in Nepal, India and medical assistance in Mexico.  One of its programs also started by Dave is Operation Ransom , a work that is dedicated to the fight against human trafficking, sex slavery and poverty worldwide.  They provide preventative education, border surveillance stations, literacy classes and much more.  Having worked primarily in the country of Nepal, Operation Ransom has already been approached to work in other Asian and African nations.

To Contact Dave:

E-mail: Dave@provisionministries.com

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